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Welcome to Luther Junior Knights Basketball

Basketball Registration is open through September 13th.  Please click here to register!


Luther Junior Knights Basketball is made up of boys and girls in 4th-8th grade from our grade schools and homeschooled students in the Luther High School Association.  Our goal is to offer athletic opportunities and friendships in a Christian environment.  This program is meant for additional basketball opportunities outside of LALSAC basketball games.  Whenever possible, we avoid conflicts with LALSAC practices and games.


Jr Knights participates in the Great Northwest Basketball League ( and typically plays in tournaments on Saturdays.  Depending on levels, most teams play in 3-5 tournaments, and have practices 1-2 times per week.  Practices are typically at Luther High School or surrounding area elementary schools.  Tournaments and practices do not conflict with LALSAC school practices and events, as much as possible.  The tournaments for the girls’ teams typically start in November, and go through February/March.  Boys’ tournaments typically start in December and go through March.  Teams that qualify for the State tournament may play later in the season.

Luther Junior Knights anticipates having various levels of player experience and interest this year.  Our goal is to meet the needs of all our players…both those learning the fundamentals and building confidence, and those ready to be more competitive, while trying to keep all players included with Jr Knights and creating friendships with future Luther classmates.

In order to do this, we are doing our best to offer 2 separate participation levels for 6th-8th grades during the 2024 basketball season -- a “Fundamental” (Luther White-equal playing time) team per grade; and a “Competitive” team (Luther Gold-playing time is not guaranteed) per grade.  4th/5th grade will be "Fundamental" - Luther White.

When registering 6th-8th graders, please indicate your preferred choice for Fundamental, referred to as “Luther White”; or Competitive, referred to as “Luther Gold” for your child for the upcoming season.  More details are below.

Please note, the season options will ultimately be dependent on the number of players enrolled in each level, and available coaches.  Our goal is to offer both “Luther Gold” and “Luther White” levels for each 6th-8th grade, but we cannot guarantee this.  Our intention is to offer multiple levels of competition, trying to keep the players included with Jr Knights while creating friendships with future Luther classmates.  We will be asking for early registrations so we can plan accordingly and communicate options to parents early.  Payment will be collected prior to the first practice. 


There may be the need to combine grade levels to fill rosters at the “Luther White” level of play. (Maximum of 2 grades per roster; e.g., 7/8th, 6/7th)

The Luther Junior Knights Program is run by parent volunteers and coaches, and we will need volunteer coaches to make this season a success.  If you or someone you know may be interested in coaching, please let us know!




In order to meet League Registration deadlines and to plan appropriately for offering both fundamental and competitive options for the season, basketball registration is open through 9/13/24.  We participate in the Great Northwest Basketball League, but depending on team and coach preferences, we may also participate in other tournaments outside the GNBL.  (Tri-State Tournaments, McDonalds Classic, etc.)

Depending on enrollment, we may need to utilize other Luther-area gymnasiums for practices.

For those choosing the “Luther Gold” option, the uniform jerseys will be purchased by the players, and will include the player's last name on the back.  Please indicate your player’s top three choices in jersey number.  We will do our best to accommodate, although unfortunately we cannot guarantee you will be given your jersey number choice. No jersey choices ending in 6,7,8,9 please.

For those choosing the “Luther Gold” option, please recognize that playing time is not guaranteed.  If numbers and coaching allows, those registered for “Luther Gold” level will play in the A/B level tournaments.  Those registered for the “Luther White” level will play in the B-/C level tournaments, and will have more equal playing time.

We are trying our best to make this a successful upcoming basketball season for everyone involved. Please let us know if you have any questions.  Go Knights!


Luther White (for Grades 4/5) $175 total - includes cost of warm-up shirt

GNBL Level B- for White

3-5 tourneys, local, overnights possible if team chooses

State Tournament invite is an option

Equal playing time

Practice 1-2x per week


Luther Gold (for Grades 6-8th) - $300 - includes uniform package
GNBL Level A/B
5+ tourneys, some may be overnight
Both Local & longer traveling distances for tournaments
Compete for State invite & League Championship Tournament
Competitive -not equal playing time
Practice 2x per week

Luther White (for grades 6-8th) -$175 - includes cost of warm-up shirt
GNBL Level B-
~4 tourneys (3 GNBL/TriState, 1 BGC, or equivalent)
Local tournaments (2 hour drive max)
Equal playing time
Practice 1-2x per week
Could be combined grade levels to fill roster-(2 grade max)


We participate in the Great Northwest Basketball League and may pick up other tournaments to fill out their schedule. Coaches will contact players after the Great Northwest informs us of the dates of tournaments for each team. Girls tournaments are typically scheduled first and start around the beginning of November. Their website has tournament information and directions to each venue. For more information, visit

Although most tournaments will be on Saturdays, some teams have occasional Sunday tournaments.  For a list of worship options outside of Sunday, please go to  or this link.

An optional Luther Junior Knights apparel order is available at  Items can be shipped to the home or picked up at Gameday Supply at 420 2nd Ave South in Onalaska.  Additionally, Luther apparel is available for purchase at Games People Play on Hwy 16 in Onalaska.

The Luther Junior Knights program is run by parent volunteers.  All Jr Knights Coaches are unpaid volunteers.  Registration fees go towards tournament entry fees, equipment, referees, umpires, uniforms, etc.


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